A4 Mobility
10 years of experience and innovation in the field of ITSA4 Mobility is a global player with ten years’ experience in designing, developing and managing services and solutions in the field of ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems).
A4 Mobility has specific skills in the field of technological, application and maintenance products and services, dedicated to the mobility and transport industries.
It is therefore a leading player in the ITS industry, covering many of the different market segments. It mainly has a “system integrator” approach, from toll systems to traffic management, from security to access control.
A4 Holding Group has implemented a governance system and set of rules that allow it to operate in accordance with the core values of sustainability: ethics, transparency, safety, social development, environmental protection, open dialogue with stakeholders, commitment to the local area and local economies.
To consolidate this commitment to transparency, integrity and honesty, we introduced the Whistleblowing Channel. This secure and bidirectional channel allows anyone with interrelations with Group companies to report, in a confidential manner, any conduct that does not comply with the provisions of the Group Code of Ethics and the Organization, Management and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 adopted by each company and by company procedures and regulations in general.
The Code of Ethics identifies the core set of values that underpin corporate culture and translate into the principles and management policies used to implement best practices, guiding our daily conduct in all aspects of the business.
The aim of our Code of Ethics is to guide the Group’s management activities on the basis of ethical values and operating principles, in order to promote clear behavioural guidelines. The purpose of this is to meet the needs of all stakeholders and to consolidate the company’s positive reputation.
Italian Legislative Decree 8 June 2001, no. 231 introduced the liability of collective bodies with or without legal personality, for crimes committed to their advantage or in their interest by persons "functionally" related to the institutions themselves (by way of example, directors, directors, executives and subjects subject to management or supervision of these, such as other employees and some collaborators). The administrative responsibility of the institution can be excluded, if certain conditions are met, if the institution has:
- Adopted and effectively implemented its own Organization, Management and Control Model;
- Established its own Supervisory Body, with autonomous powers of initiative and control, with the task of supervising the functioning and compliance and of updating the aforementioned Model.
A4 Mobility adopted the organisation, management and control model in accordance with Italian Legislative Decree no. 231/2001, with the aim of creating a structured and methodical system of procedures and preventive control activities in order to prevent the crimes listed by the aforementioned decree. This is achieved by identifying any activities exposed to the risk of crime and subsequently introducing appropriate procedures to regulate them, and appointing their own Supervisory Body.
In accordance with Italian Legislative Decree no. 231/2001, the organisation, management and control model has also been adopted by controlled companies of strategic importance.
The A4 Holding Group's Whistleblowing Channels aim to promote compliance with the Group's Code of Ethics, the 231 Models of each Group company and the applicable regulations. Violations known within the Group's working context can be reported through the digital Whistleblowing platform.
These are safe and bidirectional channels available to anyone who wishes to report violations in good faith. They are not subject to the Whistleblowing Channel, communications or suggestions on services of a commercial nature.
Only members of the Whistleblowing Office have access to the Whistleblowing Channel. The confidentiality of the identity of the Reporter, of the Reported Person, of the persons involved as well as of the object of the report and the relative documentation is protected.
The anonymity of those who wish to send a report in this form is protected, although reports by name guarantee more effective investigations and a suitable dialogue with the Whistleblower.
No retaliation or discrimination, direct or indirect, may arise in the case of a person who has made an alert in good faith.
By clicking on "ENTER YOUR REPORT HERE", you can access the digital whistleblowing platform, which allows you to make a report through a guided online path.
A4 Mobility has implemented over the years and systematically adopts an integrated management system with the main objectives of:
- satisfy stakeholder expectations;
- create greater competitiveness by constantly orienting towards continuous improvement both in the provision of the services offered and in the corporate reputation;
- manage information and processes in a more rational way using an approach based on risk based thinking;
- demonstrate compliance with the laws and regulations in force in all areas.
The integration developed by the Company, in line with what A4 Holding Group adopted, which A4 Mobility is a part of, is also aimed at harmonizing management and avoiding duplication or overlapping by focusing on:
- conflict prevention;
- creation of synergies;
- capitalization of the existing.
Through the pursuit of these logics and following its strategic and Group guidelines, A4 Mobility has been certified over time in compliance with the international reference standards UNI EN ISO 9001, UNI EN ISO 14001, UNI ISO 45001, UNI CEI EN ISO / IEC 27001 and UNI ISO 37001.

A4 Mobility contributes to A4 Holding Group's goals in terms of sustainability, sharing the belief this is a strategic top priority for business development, able to generate long-term value and create trust-based relationships with stakeholders. In this context, the consolidated Sustainability Report represents a tool to present and manage the impact of our activities on the communities and areas in which we operate, and to formalise our commitment.

As part of its industrial vision, A4 Group has integrated skills and expertise in designing, building and managing infrastructure to improve interpersonal relationships and encourage the sharing of ideas, thereby promoting integrated and sustainable mobility.
Alongside its physical motorways, it has also developed virtual data highways and fibre-optic networks, representing a powerful driver of mobility and accessibility for people and information.
Staff development goes hand in hand with constant technical and technological advances, continuously building people’s professional skills and abilities, who are already some of the most well-trained, experienced and committed in the industry. This guarantees safe and intelligent mobility for people and vehicles, fully respecting the environment and surrounding area.
With its historical roots in the north east of Italy, the A4 Group aims at providing integrated and sustainable mobility solutions, which are of fundamental importance for ideas, people and information to be able to travel towards the future.