Traffic control system
The challenge of managing traffic is increasingly focused on keeping traffic flowing smoothly at the same time as keeping the environmental impact of harmful emissions under control or, even better, reducing it.
Efficiency can only be improved in this way if integrated traffic management systems are used, which are able to react to any kind of situation in real time, planning corrective measures if and when necessary.
Urban traffic flows can be controlled and concepts such as area pricing and road pricing can be successfully implemented by collecting and studying the data used for monitoring, subjecting said data to logical processing at the traffic control centre and then feeding this information to the automatic access control devices.
Inter-city road networks and motorways are also facing increasing demand for mobility solutions that are linked to the progress made by our society. All institutions in charge of managing traffic flows and road networks can and must strive towards being able to measure, analyse and control traffic in an integrated way.
A4 Mobility is a technology partner able to develop a comprehensive and dynamic approach to the issues in question.